dinsdag 24 oktober 2017
Lecture by Jan Vos
On Sunday 29 October the SJA welcomes author and translator Jos Vos, who will present a lecture (in Dutch) entitled Vossen zoeken in Yoshino. Junichirō Tanizaki en de lokroep van het verleden in westelijk Japan. The focus of Vos’ presentation will be mitate in Tanizaki’s stories. The presentation can be seen as a kind of continuation of the article about Kunisada’s print series Mitate sanjūrokkusen by Vos, Paul Griffith, and Henk Herwig, which appeared in Andon 96, pp. 37-64 (2014).
Jos Vos is well known for his Dutch translation of Genji monogatari (Het verhaal van Genji, 2013). His translation of stories by Tanizaki, De Brug der Dromen, will be published by De Bezige Bij in October of this year.
Location: Kamer van Charitate, Museum Prinsenhof, Schoolstraat 5, Delft
The room will be open at 14:00 hours; the lecture will start at 14:15. Drinks will be served afterwards.
Please register for this activity with the secretary: secretary@societyforjapanesearts.org
For more information, see www.societyforjapanesearts.org/agenda/lecture-by-jos-vos